--- title: "Automatic High Quality Releases" date: 2012-11-13T21:31:00Z comments: true tags: ["shell scripting", "finatra"] --- Recently, I invested some time into automating some of the work that goes into a [Finatra](http://github.com/capotej/finatra#readme) release. The work consists of updating: * The version in the XML fragment of the main [README.markdown](https://github.com/finatra/https://github.com/capotej/finatra/blob/master/README.markdown) * The version in the [pom.xml](https://github.com/capotej/finatra-example/blob/master/pom.xml) of the [example app](http://github.com/capotej/finatra-example) * Any API changes in the [example app](http://github.com/capotej/finatra-example) * The version in the template pom.xml of the app generator * The generated unit test of the app generator that demonstrates testing any new API features * Any API changes inside the app template of the app generator Using [sub](https://github.com/37signals/sub#readme), I was able to create a `finatra` [command](https://github.com/capotej/finatra/tree/master/script/finatra) that automated all of the above based on a single template, which also happens to be the [main unit test](https://github.com/capotej/finatra/blob/master/src/test/scala/com/twitter/finatra/ExampleSpec.scala). This ensures that the README, the example app, and the app generator never fall out of sync with the frameworks API. Last week we released [1.1.0](https://github.com/capotej/finatra/commit/37c81957271dde77d4c3f6361bbae705a5142c89), and the README was [completely generated](https://github.com/capotej/finatra/commit/913d0ed5bfa18c903feb5779d4d8b9d87703b6c5), as was the [example app](https://github.com/capotej/finatra-example/commit/dbc82908360f3cb4cfc4388c28f593f17258fab2). Not to mention, all generated apps would also contain the latest templates and examples! ![](https://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/021/073/1254172884282.jpg?1254173845) Let's dive into how it all works: ## The source of truth I annotated our main unit test with special tokens, like so: ```scala ExampleAppSpec.scala class ExampleSpec extends SpecHelper { /* ###BEGIN_APP### */ class ExampleApp extends Controller { /** * Basic Example * * curl http://localhost:7070/hello => "hello world" */ get("/") { request => render.plain("hello world").toFuture } } val app = new ExampleApp /* ###END_APP### */ /* ###BEGIN_SPEC### */ "GET /hello" should "respond with hello world" in { get("/") response.body should equal ("hello world") } /* ###END_SPEC### */ } ``` Using the special `/* ### */` comments, the main app and its test can be extracted from the code of our test. ## The app generator Now that we have our "template", we can build our app generator to use it. I customized [base](http://capotej.com/blog/2012/11/01/base-a-scala-project-generator/) and ended up with: [script/finatra/libexec/finatra-new](https://github.com/capotej/finatra/blob/master/script/finatra/libexec/finatra-new) You can then run: ```sh $ ./finatra new com.example.myapp ``` and it will generate ```myapp/``` based on the tested example code from the test suite above. ## The example app The [example app](https://github.com/capotej/finatra-example#readme) is just a generated app using the latest app generator: ```sh #!/bin/bash # Usage: finatra update-example # Summary: generates the example app from the template set -e source $_FINATRA_ROOT/lib/base.sh tmpdir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/finatra_example.XXX) $_FINATRA_ROOT/bin/finatra new com.twitter.finatra_example $tmpdir cp -Rv $tmpdir/finatra_example/ $EXAMPLE_REPO rm -rf $tmpdir cd $EXAMPLE_REPO && mvn test ``` This also tests the app generator and the generated app! ## Updating the README Lastly, there's a [command](https://github.com/capotej/finatra/blob/master/script/finatra/libexec/finatra-update-readme) for updating the README with the new example and version number.