# recit personal productivity system backed by [recfiles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recfiles) # dependencies * [recutils](https://www.gnu.org/software/recutils/) * uuidgen * any perl # workflows You can use `recit` to track things like: * What needs to be done today? * What did you do yesterday? * What did you talk about in that 1:1 a few weeks ago? * Where did you leave off on that project you started last year? * What did you do last year? # usage `recit setup` gets you started ## add some entries `recit add-entry` opens `$EDITOR` to let you add an entry at that moment in time, which is the same as `recit add-entry now` or `recit add-entry today`. If the notes are short, you can just pass it as a 3rd argument, like `recit add-entry now "this is the entry"` You can also add entries in the future by running `recit add-entry tomorrow` or any date like `recit add-entry 2022-07-22`. ## view entries `recit today` or `recit tomorrow` (also `recit yesterday`) ## edit entries you'll notice that `recit add-entry` returns a UUID, you can pass this UUID to `recit edit-entry` to edit the entry